The Azande
The Azande people are very special and they can’t be neglected as far as Africa History is concern, they live in the southwestern of Sudan, at the immediate east Central African Republic and north of Congo.
They have many ancient traditions, it is also believed that they originated from many clans that can be traced back into history. The Azande people also have an interesting history of migration within the last 200 years, they have record of history in fighting for their freedom of independence from the outside and it’s was mainly European legal and social, encroachments.
Their religious values that make them who they are have been largely held true despite these intrusions. There are so many cases where Europeans their instituted customs and traditions from Europe into the social life of the Azande people during the colonial rule era.

The Azande people are know for being strongly commitment or staying true to their belief in the traditional conception of one creator deity who created the universe.
The Azande have strong believe in Mbori (the supreme being), they are one of the tribes who have always believed in God and they have never created a shrines, temples, rituals, or ceremonies to honor Mbori.
The Azande people’s faith is a good example of how African thinking about the creator’s separation from everyday life is reflected in many ways.
As a result, although it is uncommon, people may seek advice from Mbori because they more frequently rely on oracles for their everyday needs. As seen in the Nile Valley, these practices are more in line with Africa’s ancient customs.
Pharaonic times or as depicted in other African legends. The main oracles are recognized as having a close connection to the Azande forefathers. A small group of individuals are also thought to inherit the capacity to harm others, making them better suited to gauge the level of discipline required to preserve societal harmony. Any kind of misfortune, no matter how minor, stems from a disorder in the world of humans. Someone is in charge.
Without human action, nothing bad ever happens. People who pass away are frequently homicide victims in the sense that someone was responsible for their demise. People who would disturb the social order are typically punished by the priests or priestesses who have the ability to recognize the nature of order, harmony, and equilibrium in the society.
Many individuals refrain from engaging in harmful behaviors out of fear. The character of Ture, who upholds the middle ground between order and chaos, as in many African traditions, and applies the conventional wisdom to different activities, actions, and social situations, is one of the greatest cultural figures among the Azande.
Some authors have addressed Ture as a trickster figure, similar to Ananse among the Akan, but this is to minimize the psychological and social
effect of a character who is not about tricking anyone, but rather about enforcing through instruction the value of the middle ground between chaos and order. Azande marriage law allows a woman to reject a marriage if she thinks it is unsuitable. Following the marital ceremony, the husband is always indebted to the wife’s family.
It is difficult to be truly divorced from the woman’s family because the woman is considered a valuable part of her family’s wealth.